Thursday, April 5, 2007

Fair and Fearless Megan

Congratulations are in order to my dear friend (and bridesmaid) Megan McGinnity, who recently earned the prestigious Truman Scholarship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I met Megan almost ten years ago. She was the shy junior high daughter of my caregroup leaders. Since then, I have watched the Lord unfold his extraordinary though not always "wise-by-human-standards" plans for her life.

In addition to being brilliant, driven, and beautiful, Megan is also a humble servant of Christ. Her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, her devotion to growing in her knowledge of God, and her efforts at incarnating theological truths in her daily life have challenged and encouraged me immeasurably. I can't want to see what else the Lord has in store for her in the coming years!

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