Unquestionably, the high points were visiting with my new friend, Susanna (and her adorable son, Micah), and my old friends, Mike and Cathi Herrod. I met Susanna through City Church. We have in common, among other things, English Lit degrees, being sandwiched between two sisters, being raised by parents who got radically saved during the Jesus People Movement, pregnancy, newerish marriages, and a love for Christ our Savior. She is ahead of me in mothering, so I get to benefit from the wisdom of her experience and her joy in parenting. She is such a happy mama!!! Susanna's anecdotes and interactions with her son make me eager for the arrival of my daughter.
Cathi was my supervisor for almost two years at the Center for Arizona Policy, an organization she now leads very well. She is also an important mentor of the Titus 2 variety. She and Mike have invested a lot of time and resources in me, even letting me stay at their home on occasion! They are also both attorneys, so I look to their marriage as a model for Mr. Miller and me. Mike and Cathi were in NYC this weekend visiting The King's College with their daughter. They graciously made time in their schedule to share conversation with me on the first floor of the Empire State Building. It was a blessing and a bit of Arizona joy in the midst an otherwise rainy, solitary afternoon.
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